Thursday, February 24, 2005

i'm outta the loop

At work and flipping though the ottawa citizen in the 5th floor lounge, i stumble upon a whole article on flickr. I only discovered this site a few weeks ago, and now it makes the citizen? This is a true testement to make lack of connection to the internet and what people are doing on it. Unfortunately the article is not online, but it basically talked about flickrs ability to help people quickely share photo's with friends n family, tagging, it's beta status, and it's 230k users.

As a side note, the front page of tech weekly was dominated by an article on tagging, whos image was the popular tag display on flickr.

To update on the bell mobility status, nothing has changed... i'm pretty close to switching to rogers, buying a kickass GSM phone over the net, and struggling with the firmware incompatibilities that will surely result suggests a friend of mine. At least it'll be a step in the right direction.


At 8:37 PM, Blogger IslandLife Farms said...

Speaking about "outta the loop" where's the link to
IslandLife Farms!


P.s. Love the site!


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